Magazine A PRAÇA

Portuguese & English Magazine
Revista A PRAÇA

Português e Inglês

Now On Stands
Magazine A PRAÇA #54
January 2025

“Magazine A Praça: Connecting Portuguese Communities Worldwide”

The main mission of this new magazine project is to inform and introduce the various nooks and crannies where Portuguese communities thrive.

In this magazine format, our primary goal is to provide information, emphasizing the various corners and places where one can find a Portuguese presence. We recount the heroic deeds of those who left their homeland to seek better living conditions in new locations. Equally important, we narrate the achievements of those who remained in Portugal—especially in the Azores, a land shaped by volcanic activity. Many illustrious individuals from the Azores departed for the USA, Canada, Bermuda, Brazil, and beyond. Across every corner of the world, there are fearless men and women who speak the language of Camões. They gather in public squares, contributing to the shared history of the Azores and Portugal. As a nation of both emigrants and immigrants, it is our duty as a magazine to listen to those who shape our great homeland.

Magazine A Praça transcends religion, political affiliation, gender, and race. It is a magazine for everyone. We aim to share ideas, collect testimonies, and, fundamentally, listen to people. Our purpose is to understand their aspirations, desires, and projects, working together toward a better world. We hold steadfast to the belief that preserving our cultural identity is a collective responsibility.

Within these pages, dreams and disappointments find a place. Above all, we strive to be a magazine that celebrates customs, traditions, politics, health, and other topics—always with a positive outlook. Even amidst life’s challenges, we seek the silver lining: victory over defeat, happiness over sadness. We invite each of you to share the wonders of life, born from hard work and ambition. Together, regardless of the seas that separate us, we create a space where nostalgia intertwines with memories of islands and regions both near and far.

Welcome to Magazine A Praça, where every life story is discussed, and where longing can be shared through the memories of our homeland and beyond.

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ADVERTISE IN MAGAZINE A PRAÇAThe Magazine A PRAÇA is a free magazine and aims to publicize topics of interest to emigrant communities around the world but also to report on projects being developed in the Azores. Our bi-monthly publication has a circulation of 10 thousand copies and is distributed in the following countries: USA, Bermuda, Canada and Portugal.
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